Make your logs look sexy!
Style and customize your logs (including severity) for your projects. You can also turn the logging off (for when you’re in production).
//Copyright 2013 Brian Rollins (brollins at
//Released under the Creative Commons 3.0 License
//This is a work-in-progress. If you have any suggestions or additions, please contact the author.
var logLevel = 4; //Set your log level (0 - 4).
** Log Levels:
** 0 = No logging
** 1 = Errors only
** 2 = Errors and Warnings
** 3 = All messages are logged (Counts are disabled)
** 4 = Full functionality
//Init Styles
var mStyle = "color:#000;font-size:12px;" //Master Style
** Define your style with styler(color, background-color, font-size)
** Colors can be named colors or hex values (black or #00000 or #000 will work).
** Font sizes need a unit of measure (px, em, pt, etc).
var infoStyle = mStyle+styler('','#DCDCDC',''),
fxnStyle = mStyle+styler('','#8FBC8F',''),
valStyle = mStyle+styler('','#FFE4B5',''),
errorStyle = mStyle+styler('#fff','#FA8072',''),
warnStyle = mStyle+styler('','#FFA500','');
//Style builder.
function styler(color, bg, size) {
s = "";
s += (color!='') ? "color:"+color+";" : "";
s += (bg!='') ? "background-color:"+bg+";" : "";
s += (size!='') ? "font-size:"+size+";" : "";
return s;
//CLog itself.
var clog = {
info: function(p){
if(logLevel >= 3){"%cInfo: "+p, infoStyle);}
fxn: function(theFxn,passedArgs){
if(logLevel >= 3){
args = "";
len = passedArgs.length;
for(i=0;i= 3){console.log("%c"+l + " = " + eval(l), valStyle);}
error: function(p){
if(logLevel >= 1){console.error("%cError: "+p, errorStyle);}
warn: function(p){
if(logLevel >= 2){ console.warn("%cWarning: "+p, warnStyle); }
clear: function() {
if(logLevel >= 1){console.clear();}
count: function(x) {
if(logLevel >=4) {console.count(x);}
Please add onto this. we’re going to use this in our next project.